Cool Cat: Jaeda Nelson

Interview by Emma CrowE | Photos by Jaeda Nelson

Jaeda Nelson is a 4th-year Business: Leadership & Management major. She is known around campus for her efforts to promote diversity and equity and Central Washington University. As part of the PULSE Magazine Cool Cat series, Nelson has answered some questions.

What clubs/orgs are you involved with on campus, and what are your roles in them?

  • President of Presidents United to Solve Hunger

  • Student Initiatives Coordinator at the DEC (employee) starting and leading THRIVE: women of color empowerment program

  • Student Senator (employee) for Equity & Services Council

Why are you involved with these clubs/orgs?

PUSH- basic need security impacts students' ability to get the most out of their college experience. I started getting involved out of an interest to volunteer, but after the state of our world became incredibly heavy from covid, BLM, Asian hate, etc.. It was clear that basic need initiatives needed to be decolonized and reimagined at CWU. 

THRIVE was a program started by the DEC and I got the privilege to build it for the past two years. Women of color spaces were not available at CWU which is very isolating, especially at a predominately white institution. THRIVE allows space for connection, vulnerability, learning, and healing that most offices, classrooms, and centers can't provide due to lack of representation, colorism, systems of power, and so on. 

What is your favorite childhood memory?

I loved playing outside. I would be outside until it was dark every night after school playing tag and wandering around the neighborhood. I am incredibly grateful that I was able to honor my childhood that way. 

What are some of your hobbies?

I loved watching TV, listening to self-help podcasts, spending money, and being around people that lift my spirits. 

What are your personal goals?

A big goal for me is to spend more time exploring and doing things that make me happy. Burnout has been real and I sometimes feel I am disconnected from myself. I would like to spend more quality time with just myself and enjoy my company in a way that is productive.

What are your professional goals?

I wouldn't say I have anything in particular. It is important for me to work at a place that honors my experiences, allows me to be creative, and where I feel safe and celebrated. I would like a career where I make a lot of money and have plenty of time to enjoy life outside of work. 

What is a quote you live by?

It would be a mixture of sayings, "Hold on," "Oh well," "Things will work out, so enjoy what you can now."
